75Hard Week #3 - ONE Day, or Day ONE

75Hard Week #3 - ONE Day, or Day ONE
So the first two weeks of January have vanished, just like that (insert magic finger ‘snap’) and we are inching into February.
There are dooming studies that love to remind us that by February, roughly 80% of Americans have ditched their resolutions and slipped comfortably back into their pre-resolution mindsets.
Change. It’s HARD. Whether self directed change, or dropped-in-your-lap, suck-it-up, no-choice-in-the-matter type change. I was reading an article that said that the old idea that it takes 21 days to form a habit is a tad bit shy of accurate. They estimate that it may take 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic. Right? Over three times as long as we used to joyfully boast about.
So here’s my point... if you’re feeling uncomfortable while you’re creating new habits, if you’ve slipped up or even decided to throw in the towel, don’t you dare quit on yourself and your goals. Change is hard, and if it weren’t, we would all be perfectly perfect! If you’ve been contemplating a change (and I’m not talking about just fitness or nutrition, friends, life is full of life choices), we are over here just encouraging you to start. Time passes whether you do it, or you don’t. Make today the day you start. Not tomorrow, not next Monday, not after your big birthday/anniversary/holiday/vacation (yes, I’ve been guilty of this, too). You have to choose, DAY ONE or ONE DAY.
If you’re journeying along with us through the 75 Hard program, you know that it’s uncomfortable at times. It’s supposed to be uncomfortable, that’s not surprising. What I hope you’re seeing is that you CAN do hard things, and that you’re changing, not just physically but mentally, too. You’ve got this, whatever your goals are, stay the course and trust the process.